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COVID-19 Global Church Hackathon
to Apr 4

COVID-19 Global Church Hackathon

FaithTech, Indigitious, Kingdom Code and others bring you a global weeklong hackathon.

We find ourselves at a key moment in history. A global pandemic. Social isolation. Self-quarantine. People who met to worship Jesus together, now unable to do so. Yet we know that the global church is a people, not a series of buildings. As people we will look back on this moment - so let's choose to leave a legacy that outlasts the current crisis. Let's build something together that helps the Local Church do what she does best: bringing Faith, Hope and Love to the world around us.

Between March 28th and April 4th, we will be hosting an online Hackathon, unrestricted by geography and location. We will build technological solutions to the problems local churches across the world are now facing. And you can be a part of it. Sign up to join a virtual team. Or link up with some friends and form a team. Create a legacy. Sign up below to join this international community with one aim - leveraging tech to glorify Jesus in the midst of great need.

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