Training Onramps for Media to Movements

As I try to wrap my head around Media to Movements and plan a way forward, I’ve been researching the various onramps that people take to get trained in how to plan for a launch a campaign. What I’ve been learning is that, at this point in time, there are three basic avenues that overlap and intersect at multiple points.

I’ve been following the media to movements stories over the past few years, mostly from the 10,000 foot level. The “wow, that’s really cool and maybe one day I’ll do that too when the time is right” level.

Several of my friends have jumped onto and consumed the materials on their own time. That gave them enough direction to launch something, though many of them end up getting connected with coaches like Jon Ralls of Kavanah Media or the Media to Movements coaches who will walk alongside you and give you expert and detailed advice every step of the way.

I decided to do a 5 week online course through Mission Media University. Even though I didn’t know it at the time of signing up, I’m stoked that each week I get to add a new chapter to a draft game plan that will be finished by the time the course is over.

Questions for discussion:

  • Do you have a good understanding of how to use social media to share the gospel?

  • Do you know of examples of African-based projects that are evangelistic in focus?

  • What about projects that are focused around a common theme, or by a business to attract customers? Who is doing it well?


Tracking and Personas