Game Changer

I’m still in week 1 of my Media to Movements course and am just wondering if some kind of naming standardization is taking place for this whole media to movements thing? Having been around for long enough to see things shape and evolve, some folks are using M2DMM (media to disciple making movements), or M2M (media to movements) and I’ve seen a few things kicked around.

Who decides these things? I’ll just throw that out to the universe and hope we can all land on a name we can all agree on.

We’ve been doing a lot of reading from a website at where this thought-leader PhD guy Frank Preston is helping us think some big thoughts, but in a down to earth fashion so that even I can catch on to the topics.

In the Game Changer article we are encouraged to think about how Christians used to be leaders in communication. I think that ended a long time ago. It seems now that we’re always playing catch up, and poorly. I used to be a film critic and had the privilege of reviewing a lot of Christian films. My poor wife would always groan when, on a Friday night, I would pull a new video out of the must review box.

Media to Movements allows us to bring a lot of the same concepts that are already being used widely and globally by savvy marketers to present Jesus in bite sized chunks that move those who are seeking, who are willing to consider a change, who may be experiencing some kind of disruption, along on a journey similar to how you might have experienced yourself on a small scale.

I can now point to a number of things that I have purchased directly because of strategically placed ads I was exposed to in multiple ways and various platforms. My awesome Gripsix belt comes to mind. That “fit father” workout routine for guys of a “maturing” age.

So why not be there online to find those who are already seeking and open to exploring what the Kingdom of Heaven looks like?

Questions for discussion:

  • Have you purchased something that was targeted directly at your on social media because of your browsing habits, etc?

  • Do you know examples of carefully crafted or high quality content produced by Christians that is on par with secular media?

  • If budget was no issue, what kind of media would you like to see specifically created for the Yawo?


Push vs Pull


Tracking and Personas